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NSWHSB Seminar Series - 'why eConsent is a major advance for ‘informed’ consent.'
10 Jane Kaye: Dynamic Consent
The Changing Face of Consent to Research: Dynamic, Virtual and E-Consent
Biobanking: When Issues with Tissues Come a Knockin'
10 Dr. Harriet Teare, HeLEX Centre for Health, Law and Emerging Technologies
Informed Consent, Genomics Data, and Health
Maili Raven-Adams, Niharika Batra, Trupti Patel and Naimah Callachand: How can we ensure equitabl...
What Does Consent Mean for Generation Genome?
Evolving Myeloma Clinical Trial Discussions Amid a Dynamic Treatment Landscape
Cancer care in jeopardy
Webinar on Informed Consent - Dr. Dianne Gove
Cancer Genetics: Precision Medicine and Cancer Prevention